"Do it yourself" ("DIY") is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things by oneself without the direct aid of professionals or certified experts. Academic research has described DIY as behaviors where "individuals use raw and semi-raw materials and parts to produce, transform, or reconstruct material possessions, including those drawn from the natural environment (e.g., landscaping)."
These organizing hacks and ideas will make sorting through the clutter more manageable. You'll be amazed how much tidying up...
Read moreDetailsWhen you have kids, you know that having something for them to do is essential. If you fail to provide...
Read moreDetailsDon't you ever feel like we take things too seriously? If the heating stops working, there are many questionable yet...
Read moreDetailsA well-defined edge is often the difference between a messy and haphazard yard and a professionally groomed one. Luckily, these...
Read moreDetailsThere's something hard-wired into us that fills us with satisfaction when we clean something dirty. Practically every cleaning product ad...
Read moreDetailsWhat architects draw on the blueprints and what designers model can be a very far cry from what ends up...
Read moreDetailsWe all have some innate feeling that we could design a perfect space if given the time and resources. Generally,...
Read moreDetailsIt's mind-boggling! If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. But with a good arsenal of...
Read moreDetailsThe only limit to accomplishing anything in life is your imagination. However, creativity and inventions don't have to be overly...
Read moreDetailsIf you've never heard the buzzword 'upcycle,' you've probably been off to the moon. The creative reuse trend is about...
Read moreDetailsWe try to feed your imagination by picking up and delivering a daily dose of the most exciting and outstanding selection of design & architecture ideas.
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