1. Somabar is a “personal bartender” that will mix up your favorite cocktail on demand… and in under five seconds!
Getting drunk has never been more convenient.
2. Doodle on all of your meals and beverages with CinniBird (a remarkably cool pen that uses spices and seasonings for “ink”).

Use cinnamon on hot apple cider or powdered sugar on top of a chocolate cake.
3. Minipresso is a portable espresso maker that allows you to get a jolt of caffeine ANYWHERE!
Make espresso on a mountain. Make espresso in a canoe. Make espresso behind a waterfall. Make espresso when your nemesis buries you in a crate in the desert.
4. Buy a magnifying spoon and you’ll never accidentally swallow a fly again.
People in the future don’t unknowingly swallow strands of hair.
5. Season your food with “microgreen” herbs grown indoors. The Microgarden uses a gel substance so you don’t even need to remember to water them.
Be a part of the (indoor) farm to table movement.
6. Peres is an “electronic nose” that can detect the quality and freshness levels of an array of meats.

Food poisoning isn’t the most delightful way to spend a day (or week): let this device sniff out whether or not you should avoid eating that chicken.
7. Top Brewer looks like your typical sink faucet, only it releases coffee instead of water.

The most amazing beverage in the world flowing out of a faucet and into your impatiently awaiting mug. I know it’s tempting, but don’t just stick your mouth under the dispenser – caffeine isn’t worth getting painful mouth burns.
8. With a Vision Toaster you can watch your bread toast and stop it *just* before it starts to burn.
… after all, that’s the ideal level of crispness.
9. Have you ever (annoyingly) found yourself without an egg in the middle of baking? The Egg Minderkeeps track of how many eggs you have.
You’ll never have to rush to the grocery store on an egg-run again.
10. These cups may seem magical, but they’re just reflective: they mirror the pattern on any saucer.
Now it’s easy to make matching sets.
11. Your own body heat is conducted into this knife, allowing you to spread straight-from-the-fridge butter easily.
Bread shall no longer rip.
12. Dishes, fruits, vegetables – CoverBlubber will stretch to fit ‘em all.
Gak meets Saran wrap.
13. The Decapitator is “a bottle cap’s worst nightmare.”

Why would you use an old-fashioned bottle opener when you could use this guy? BE GONE, CAPS. BE GONE.
14. A rod that you can use to heat up any liquid: tea, coffee, soup – you name it, Miito will heat it.
…and save you energy while it does.
15. The Prep Pad scale and app act as your personal “kitchen nutritionist”, keeping track of your food-related health goals.
What a team.
16. Rollie an easy-to-use, vertical cooking system.
It’s the easiest way to prepare eggs (or cinnamon rolls or pizza) in a hurry. Will it feel somewhat strange to eat an omelette shaped like a burrito? Possibly… but it will still taste delicious.
17. BKON is a majestic machine that brews your tea.
That was the simple way to put it, here’s the more complex – it brews any loose leaf tea, third wave coffee, or infused cocktail using negative pressure. How fast is it? FAST. It can whip up over 60 cups in an hour! And it cleans itself! Amazing.
18. Mellow will help you become a sous-vide master with ease.
Does your meat always end up dry? Horribly, horribly dry? You should try preparing it using the sous-vide method of cooking. That may sound intimidating, but not with this device: it does all of the work for you and you’ll never have to bite into a piece of dry chicken again.
19. Want to cook in an environmentally friendly way? Buy a Gosun and let the sun heat up your food for you.

It even works on cloudy days!
20. You + Verilux (a UV rechargeable sanitizing wand) = bye bye, germs.
Get outta here, mold.
21. Wave your hand in front of your SnackMan and instantly get some candy.
…or something healthier – it’s your choice.
22. Honey isn’t very futuristic, but dipping honey using the Acacia? Incredibly futuristic.
Plus – it’s just beautifully designed.
23. The Sonic Decanter makes your wine taste better using “ultrasonic energy.”

Even a $5.00 bottle of wine? You’ll have to try it and see.
24. This looks like a strainer someone would use in a sci-fi movie.
Ripley could have drained some pasta in one (if she wasn’t so busy fighting an alien).
25. A temperature-controlled pan that will act as chef when you’re incapable.
It simply knows how to prepare things better than you do. Don’t be ashamed.
26. You may find the shape of the Goat Mug odd, but it was chosen for a reason: it helps you get every last drop of coffee into your gullet.
Get your money’s worth.
27. Why do things lose their freshness? Air. While most storage containers trap all of the stale air in the compartment with your food, EVAK pushes it all out.
It will keep your edibles fresh and delicious for a longer period of time. Yum, yum.
28. Drinking beer from a bottle at home will never be the same as getting a pint at a bar… unless you have this beer foamer.

Foam makes all the difference and this device allows you to make dense, delicious foam to top off your glass of bottled beer.
29. Incredibly strong knives that you’ll only have to sharpen every 25 years or so.
“Lemme just set a reminder on my phone…”
30. Bags are for Luddites – Luddites who don’t mind eating bread that’s practically crouton-ed. Don’t be like them, use the Bread Keeper.
Croutons have their place, but that place isn’t in the vicinity of a sandwich.
31. Don’t be deterred by the fact that this strainer looks somewhat like an alien egg sac.
Not only does is strain things, you can actually keep your vegetables inside theFood Pod while you steam them.
32. Buy a Fruit Iceball Maker And Water Bottle(because in the future, “normal” ice cubes are obsolete).
You wouldn’t be caught dead drinking something cooled by a lame-o cube.
33. Effortlessly toss out scraps as you prepare dinner: one efficient wave near this can and the top flips open for you.
If you’re dancing around the kitchen, you could give a lil’ foot kick to open it up.
34. With this app-controlled slow cooker you can start preparing dinner before you’ve even left the office.
Your kitchen will smell delicious by the time you get home.
35. If you spend time meticulously constructing a sandwich, you should make sure it doesn’t get ruined on your way to work: use Compleat.
Possible jingle: “Com-pleat! Com-pleat! Keeps things looking good enough to eat!”
36. This knife set looks as though it may suddenly spring to life and try to sneak off the counter and out of the kitchen.
Like a dangerous crab.
37. Xperia = the tablet made specifically for your kitchen.
“It’ll just get covered in flour and grease and stop working!”
WRONG! Yes, it’ll get dirty (of course it will get dirty), but you can rinse it off in the sink: it’s capable of being submerged for up to 30 minutes… who knows why you’d need to submerge it for 30 minutes, but – hey, you could.
38. The perfect ice cream bowl to use on a hot day,ChillTHAT keeps things frozen.
Your mint chip won’t get soupy.
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